Spiritual Meme
I was tagged earlier today by Brenda. I apologize for the delay, but there are four bloggers living under one roof right now. I doubt I need to explain myself further. As Brenda mentioned, I am a new Christian. A very new Christian. Some of these questions were a little hard for me, but I did my best.
What is Your Life Verse?
Luke 16:10 "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." I don't know why this verse has always stuck with me, but it has. I have a really hard time with people who are obsessed with material things, and especially people who are obsessed with image. When I was out of school, working a terrible job that was putting me in debt faster than I could keep up with it, falling behind on rent with my roommate, and trying in vain to find a teaching job, I was in a position where many would have lost faith in their God. This verse saved me. Every day I thought of this verse, and what it meant. I realized that God had a purpose for putting me in the situation I was in. Miraculously, this was the time in my life that I felt closer to God than ever before, and I was happier than I have ever been. I was newly baptised and on top of the world. Just when I thought my window of opportunity had closed, I got a call from an elementary school 60 miles away. My whole life changed at that point. I give all the credit to my God, and I will forever live by this verse. I trusted Him when I had very little, and now he has given me much more than I ever dreamed.
Give a bit of your testimony.
My journey to a relationship with the lord kind of happened haphazardly and unexpectedly. After about two years of living in Grand Junction, being totally lost, and making a million mistakes, I met a guy named Luke. I can't say we were dating, because we had just met, but he invited me to his church. I went with him, and fell in love with the church. I was a little uncomfortable going into it, but coming out, I just remember wanting to go back. And I did, again and again. It has been about four years since then, and I still go to the same church, although not as often as I would like to now that I have moved. Last July I was baptized, and I got involved in the children's ministry, working with 3-5th graders. Funny, but I never heard from that guy again. It's like he disappeared from the face of the planet. I am having a hard time now, because I have not found a church in Montrose, and I am having a hard time letting go of the Fellowship Church, but I will figure it out.
Do you have a favorite preacher?
I am with my mom here, I love Dan Hooper, executive pastor at the fellowship church. He is by far the best speaker I have ever listened to. He is the kind of preacher who can have you rolling in the aisle laughing one minute, and sobbing the next. Very captivating and inspiring. I, too, have read "All Out," and would recommend it to anyone. If he would start speaking at a church in Montrose, my dillema would instantly be solved.
What's the best bible study you have ever done?
It's hard for me to say the best, because I have only done one. The one I did was Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life". I loved it. I actually followed it daily from beginning to end, and I feel I was changed by it. Anyone out there who hasn't read the book and done the bible study that goes along with it, I would definitely recommend it. I don't know if it can actually be considered "a bible study," but it definitely opened my eyes and changed the way I think about and live my life.
What do you feel is God's calling on your life?
This was an easy one for me. I have no doubt that God's calling for me is teaching. When I was a little girl, everyone would tell me that I was meant to be a teacher, but I didn't believe them. When I was in high school, one of my teachers told me that I had the handwriting of an elementary school teacher. When I started college, I was an English major. I wanted to write the next Great American Novel. Then I found out that pretty much all I could do was teach English. I changed my major to Psychology. My guidance counselor kept suggesting I become a school counselor. When I went to do my internship, I ended up in a school. That was when I fell in love with teaching, and went back to get my teaching license. Now I am officially a teacher, and more in love with my job and my students than I ever thought possible. It is really obvious to me that God has been leading me on this path since I was a little girl.