In A Moment...

A bubbly, newbie teacher and baby Christian who loves to laugh!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Thursday Thirteen #1

I was tagged again today, this time by my mom. For once, I didn't have to think long and hard about how to respond. I was more worried about only listing 13 things I love about summer.

1. Sleeping in
Nothing is better than waking up to the birds chirping, except for doing it without an alarm clock. (Or a screaming 10 month old, but I already went there.)

2. 12 Weeks Off
Okay, so this will be my first real summer vacation, so who knows if I will even like having nothing to do for three months. Okay, who am I kidding...I'm going to love it!

3. The Ice Cream Man
Yes, I still get excited when I hear the melody coming down the street. Yes, I still chase him down. The ice cream man is so cool!

4. The smell of summer rain
There is just nothing quite like a summer rain storm, and nothing better than the smell it leaves behind with the rainbow.

5. The sound of lawn mowers
There is something about the sound of lawn mowers going, and the smell of fresh cut grass that just says "summer". This sound is especially nice if you are not the one pushing the mower, and if it is not before 8am.

6. Birds in the morning and locusts and night
Birds chirping, and locusts...doing whatever it is they do... are two of the best sounds. In the summer, you get to wake up to one and fall asleep to the other. Bliss!

7. Running around barefoot
I hate shoes. My feet hate shoes. I loves socks, though. In the summer, you can run around in sock-clad feet wherever you go, indoors or out. Except local businesses, such as Wal-Mart and City Market. The don't like it. They don't seem to mind fuzzy slippers, though.

8. Wearing my hair up
There is nothing more irritating than hair in your face. Yet, I look really bad with short hair. If you don't believe me, ask my mom to post my second grade school picture. In the summer, I have an excuse to pull my hair up on top of my head, and nobody gives me grief about it. At least not as many people. (They just don't know how cool a bun on top of your head is. The first graders call me "The ballerina teacher".)

9. Lounging Clothes
In the summer, I can wear lounging clothes all day if I want to. (Believe me, I want to). And I don't even have to worry about being seen out in them, because I don't have to go anywhere if I don't want to. (Believe me, I don't want to).

10. Golf
In the summer, I love spending time on the golf course with my dad. This is not to say I actually play golf. I do have a great set of clubs my dad built for me, and really cute golf shoes. I do indeed swing those clubs around, and occasionally I make contact. Sometimes this contact is actually with that little dimply ball. But I do not claim to be a golfer. My dad actually quit as my coach last year, after I washed too many of my cute pink golf balls in a rather monstrous lake. He said it was a puddle. It was a lake.

11. Fishing
Spending time at the lake with my dad is another way I love to spend summer days. Once again, I do not claim to fish. I go through the motions, but Dad says that catching lakeweed does not count. Catching his fishing line also does not count. Even though the last time I went fishing my dad made me clean all the fishies, and stood back and laughed while I turned green and gagged, I still look forward to going again soon.

12. Ball Games
Okay, this sounds weird, because I am not actually remotely good at any athletic event involving a ball. However, I do love to roller blade around the park, and nothing is more summery than a little league game going on the park while younger siblings occupy the playground, and dads grill burgers and dogs. I love eavesdropping on these moments.

13. Cool Breezy Nights
I, unfortunately in my state of the art apartment do not have the luxury of air conditioning. Or a swamp cooler. And until my mom and dad get out here to help me, I do not have ceiling fans either. I cherish the moments when the sun goes down, the windows are open, and a gentle summer breeze drifts through my apartment.

14. 12 Weeks Off
Oh, you said thirteen. My bad...


At 6:33 AM, Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

I hope I can remember all your entries. Lawn mowing - we hired someone, yippee! So now I get to enjoy the sound, not create the sound.

Crocs - enough said there.

Birds - amazing in the morning, esp now that the babies have been born(hatched?) and are hungry.

AC - Mandy, you have to buy a window unit or you will die in GJ!!! You have no body fat to sweat off.

Im amazed you didnt list getting paid to stay home - that has to be the best best!!!

At 7:14 AM, Blogger Barb said...

Hi Sweetie!

I love your answers! However.....I thought for sure #2 would be #1 !!! And this may surprise you but Daddy actually thinks you're a pretty good golfer. Just slow is all. Nine hours for one round of golf isn't real speedy but I suspect part of that is the fact that Dad has to analyze every shot you make.

I think your Dad and I need to chat. I never raised my daughters to gut fish. Too absolutely disgusting and I'm still trying to figure out why he made you do it. I'm amazed you did. Try to picture how Krissy would handle that!

You're not the only one excited about you having the whole summer off! We can play!


At 8:04 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

I loved this post, Mandy. It made me jealous that you get to spend your summer in gorgeous Colorado, while I have to spend in Hades, aka Texas. *sigh*

At 11:34 AM, Blogger Krissy said...

Hi there little sister! OK, so I was going to make some immature comment about how you stole some of my favorites BUT I don't even have my own blog name yet so I'll shut up.

What I am going to mention is that I love Dad dearly but I would NEVER let him talk me into gutting my own fish. Absolutely disgusting. I came home Sunday night and Andy was gutting fish on my counter, on my cutting board and I promptly walked back down to Mom's house. You are toughr than I thought.

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Barb said...

Uh Oh.....Krissy! Now everyone knows you can just "walk down to Mom's house." Now they're gonna find out we live three doors down from each other. And they're gonna think that's weird. And I think everyone already thinks we're all weird enough. Uh Oh.

Hi Mandy!


At 3:56 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Okay, Aunt Bev, you have to tell me - what the heck are crocs?

Mom - I purposely put the summer off as #2 just to throw you off.

Krissy - I hate to tell you this, but since you are now associated with the rest of us, blog or no blog, everyone already may think you are weird. It's refreshing, though. You can say anything you want, and since you already have a reputation thanks to the rest of us, you have nothig to worry about!

By the way, Dad said he would not drive me home if I didn't gut them. I think he was just mad at me because I crossed his line when I casted, and he thought he caught a big fish. Nope, it was just me.

Sarah - I will think of you every day when my non-a/c apartment is sweltering. How does that sound?

Texasgal- I am so jealous!

At 6:39 PM, Blogger Krissy said...

Mother- do you really think we are the only people in the world who are related and live that close to each other? Besides, silly, if it's not you it's Mandy. Remember when you just HAD to move her into an apartment in my complex and she lived thee doors down?

Is there spell check here in Blog Land?

At 6:41 PM, Blogger Krissy said...

Mandy- I know you are telling everyone in Blog Land that I was THE best sister ever, that there is NO ONE like me in the whole WORLD and your childhood was completely fulfilled because of me....right? That's the rep I have, right? :)

At 7:09 PM, Blogger Brenda said...

Love your list, Mandy. I'm with you on most of them. I never played golf, but I once bought a set of clubs for my 1st hubby and hardly ever saw him again. Worth every penny!
Fishing? I'd rather watch.
Some of us have to work year-round, but I do get 3 weeks of vacation, just not all at once, and 12 holidays. Enjoy your time off!

At 8:00 PM, Blogger Barb said...

Okay. I'm butting into Mandy's comment space but honestly Brenda, that remark about buying the first husband the clubs and hardly ever seeing him again so it was worth it...that might be the best one out of you yet! I'm about to fall out of my chair laughing.

You are SASSY!

At 1:06 AM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Hey, Mandy, loved your list!! You made summer come alive, and I can relate to almost all your choices. :-)

Bev, you can see the original post here in comments by clicking on "show original post" at the top left, there. Also, if you didn't know, you can collapse the comments and then click on the one you want to read, leaving the others collapsed until you finish reading as you comment. Hope I didn't tell you something you already knew. It took me a while to figure all that out, myself. :-)

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Rob said...

I agree with you about the summer rain storms. They are so cool with all the lightning and thunder and great big rain drops. You know I BBQ year round so thats not special to me. But the rainbow is perfect.
I like your Blog sight, a little pink, but its OK.

At 6:52 PM, Blogger Barb said...

I'm assuming you know who Rob is.

D A D D Y !!!!!!

Can you believe it? He left comments!

That's a good start, don't you think? I mean, the post is one thing but the comments are a whole 'nother thing.


At 7:50 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Dad, now that you are reading are reading my blog, do I have to be nice?

Mom, since when is his name Rob? I always thought it was Dad! I'm surprised he's brave enough to enter!

Krissy, don't worry! I will be sure to let everyone know what a wonderful, caring, always nice older sister you were. And nobody can see my face, so I don't even have to do it with a straight one! Just make sure you let everyone know what an adorable, helpful, NEVER annoying little sister I was/am. =-)

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Mandy, I love your sidebar! Very clever:) And you're right; Colorado is prettier than Texas, but you won't find a single dwelling in this big ole state without a/c. Because we're not crazy. (Although you can consider crocs shoes with a/c!)

At 9:13 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Alright Alright!!! I will buy crocs this summer. Pink ones.

Thanks, Sarah, but give my mom credit for the sidebar. She was the one who cleaned it all up and made it all purty!

At 9:28 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Sarah, I may not have a/c, but guess what? I have a wonderful huge fan that keeps me cool. And get this! You can't do anything with it without the remote that comes with it. Oh, yea, and I managed to lose that too! I so envy you. I think I will sleep on my back porch tonight. I hope it rains.


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