In A Moment...

A bubbly, newbie teacher and baby Christian who loves to laugh!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Tuesday Treasure #1

This wonderful little treasure I found is a bird nest that sits right above my front door. When I was moving in, I knew it was there, but I thought it was empty. After I settled in, during a quiet afternoon I heard lots of chirping. I went and peeked outside, and discoverd three baby birds crying for food. It was the sweetest thing I had ever seen!

When I first discovered these tiny critters, they were so little you could only see their beaks peeking out over the top. Now they are getting so big, and they are climbing all over each other. You can look at the nest at any time and see all three of them.

This little nest is a wonderful symbol of the major change I made recently. I went from a terrible apartment that was hot, smelled bad, and had terrible neighbors to an adorable little house with the sweetest little creatures ever right outside my door. When I discovered this treasure, I knew I had made the right decision.

All that's missing is the white picket fence!


At 1:32 PM, Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

Very sweet, and even more so that you think so. Maybe youre destined to be a bird feeder/watcher like me someday? We have a name, just cant remember it. In the meantime if you leave the nest they might come back next year (to the next residents) to nest again. In the meantime, dont you love the sound of them chirping away, and I am truly impressed at how hard mommy bird has to work to keep them fed. Nonstop job!

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Barb said...

You two are ornithologists. But I prefer to call yu bird ladies.

I thought this little nest was the sweetest thing when I saw it. And very clever of the bird to build it so you don't have to dodge any falling "debris" when you go in or out the front door. :-)


At 4:09 PM, Blogger Overwhelmed! said...

I love this treasure! I've been renting most of my adult life, until we bought our house last summer and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being a homeowner, so I know how you feel.

We had a bird build a nest in our front yard and it was so neat to see the babies hatched and grow. :)

I've posted a TT as well. Stop by and take a peek. :)

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

I love birds, Mandy, especially babies. They are so precious. I think when birds build nests so close to us it's because they feel safe near us. In their own way they're giving us the gift of their trust. :-)

At 10:31 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Aunt Bev - I spend a lot of time watching these little birds, even if it is the only wildlife I have. I will someday have a back yard like yours. It's one of my goals in life. My landlord said they've been there for about 2 years now, so I expect they will hang around.

Mom - You used the dictionary to find that work didn't you? Very impressive.

This is actually the first time I have discovered baby birds, so it was quite a treasure!

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Heather Smith said...

A rock blew through our basement window at the beginning of spring, and before we could have the glass fixed, some little birds had built a nest in the basement. So we're leaving the hole until the little ones leave. They are too cute. Good thing we don't use our basement though!

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Tammy said...

Oh, how sweet!
I am just starting to become interested in learning about different birds...I even bought my seven year old a special sticker book that we could do together.

And having never before lived in a place where I got hummingbirds, I get so excited when one enters my yard!

Loved hearing about your little next! :)

At 6:43 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Heather, that is so sweet! A lot of people would have just gotten rid of them and thought nothing of it. I bet you'll miss them when they fly away home!

Tammy, one of our first grade classes stumbled upon a bird's nest with eggs in it. They visited it daily, and got to watch them hatch, and see the babies grow. Talk about a lesson on life cycles! You should ask my mom about her humming birds.

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Judith said...

Mandy, Mandy, I so hope you and Aaron will visit with Bev and Don some day, at their house in Pa. That would be the perfect way to see your dream of a white picket fence and wild life, lots of wildlife.
You can walk out on Bev's deck, or look out dining area, or kitchen window, and see wild life you only dream of. The deck is my favorite place at Bev's.
Out back it's thickly wooded terraine. All you hear are forest sounds, and the animals vying for territory. Once I saw turkeys chase deer away. It was the big birds' mating time, so the deer had to leave. Another time, when the turkeys weren't around, three deer made themselves comfortable, and I swear they were sun bathing.
I am glad you have the recently hatched little birds this season, but hold on to your bigger dream for a white picket fence, and more wild life.

At 10:34 PM, Blogger Judith said...

Diane, I think you're exactly right, that animals and other creatures are much more in touch with their senses, their feelings, than we are, and more easily know who they can trust and who they are safe with.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we human beings communicated better than that.

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Barb said...

Every single thing Mom said about Bev's deck is true. It's a wondrous place!

At 6:54 PM, Blogger eyes_only4him said...

aww, I love birds nest...

my kids saw a nest at my moms this summer and it had 3 tiny baby robins in it...they were so cute..

i came here threw your moms site..i am new to her blog, so i wanted to come check you out..nice meeting you...and teachers rock:)


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