In A Moment...

A bubbly, newbie teacher and baby Christian who loves to laugh!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Works For Me!

My Aunt Bev tagged me today. I cannot tell if she is making fun of me, or being serious, but since she hasn't actually seen my apartment (or car), I am going to assume she was serious and humor her.

Here's the deal. I got to school this morning, and my mentor teacher asked me where I was last night. After a moment lost in deep thought, I realized she was refering to the teacher-inductee meeting. The last one of the year. The one I forgot about. A while later I went to pay for some lunch tickets, opened my checkbook, and guess what? No checks! It took me three trips from the library to my classroom in order to be fully prepared for today's after school meetings. My apartment is a disaster, my car is worse, and it took me 20 minutes to find the check replacements when I got home. To make a short story long, I am not organized. Not one bit.

I do, however, have one of the most organized classrooms in the building. There is a slight chance that this is because I am a first year teacher, have not lost my sanity quite yet, and I have less stuff. I prefer to think that it is because at least one area of my life is organized. I do realize that not everyone reading this post has a classroom, and therefore this will probably be useless chatter to many. I am, however, going to talk about it anyway, if only to make myself feel a little bit better.

In the morning, when my students walk in the door, there is an assignment on the board. They mark their lunches by putting a pink or blue push pin by their name on the bulletin board, and get right to work. This gives me a few minutes to go through their homework and parent folders, which they placed on the back counter upon arrival. When they are finished with their work, they will go to the hanging files on the counter, and place it within the file for whatever subject we are doing. If they need any sort of supply, they will go to the borrowing bins, which I somehow manage to keep fully stocked with paper, pencils, markers, scissors, etc. etc. If they need to sharpen a pencil, they know to do it before we start reading block, or they will use a dull pencil all day. If they happen to need to use the restroom at any point in the day, they will go and get both boys passes or both girls passes. One of them they will place on their desk, so that if I look for them, I know where they are. The other they will take with them so that the hallway police do not arrest them. (a little joke I share with my class) When they walk in to the room after recess, they will immediately grab a barrier (folder to hide paper), and get ready for the multiplication minute drill. When I say stop, they will pass their papers, get out their math notebooks and be ready for the problem of the day. When this is done, they will get out their math textbooks. This is because we do the same routine daily. At about 2:45 when I suddenly start calling out names, they will grab their mail, collect their homework, get their parent folder from me, and put it in their backpack, no questions asked. At 3:05 when the bus riders leave, the car riders and walkers will busy themselves with whatever classroom jobs need to be done until 3:15 when it is their turn to go. At this point, I am left with a sparkly clean and organized room, all ready for the next day.

You may be wondering, what the big deal is. It is a BIG deal to psychological well-being. I do not have to spend half my morning trying to locate homework that may or may not be completed. I do not have to rally my students to sit down after every single transition. I do not have kids freak out when they lose a pencil, or need a piece of paper. I do not have to listen to the constant dynn of a pencil sharperner grinding away all day. I am not asked a million times a day "can I go the the bathroom?", "where do I turn this in?", or "what do I do now?" When I call out a student's name, "what?" is never the response. I have seen these things happen. I have experienced these things. It is not pretty.

Okay guys, so I realize I am totally pushing it with this one. I apologize, but when I realized that the mere thought of actually responding to a tag about organization was completely ridiculous, I developed somewhat of a complex. I had to brag about something. There are seven days of school left. When it is done, I promise I will talk about something else. I also promise to make my first big project (after hybernation) organizing my apartment.

So, one more thing to share. I already mentioned completely missing the meeting last night. (I was probably off somewhere blogging.) Did I also mention that I double booked our class auction and the third grade movie? Did I mention that my stack of grading is now taller than I am, and report cards are due Monday? How about the fact that I still have not gotten cable, and can't imagine being able to relax in front of it anyway. Sometimes dinner is forgotten, until I wake up the next morning starving. I am consistently a minute or two late getting my class to every special, and occasionally a few minutes late to recess duty. Oh, and I forgot about my bus duty last Thursday. Are you sensing the pattern?

So, now it is my turn to tag. I need some major help with time management. I am clueless. I try, I really do, but I can't seem to figure it out on my own. So, I am officially tagging my Aunt Bev, my cousin Sarah, my mom Barb, my Grandma Judy, Brenda, and anyone else who would care to share.

Is that all I do? I just say "tag you're it", and the game begins? Or have I done way to many playground duties this year? Do I have to pick a title? I can't do that! I guess I'll find out.


At 2:32 AM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

I tend to do the same, Mandy.....Super-organized in some areas, and super-slob in others. I guess I expend so much energy on some things that I just let the others go and can't be bothered with them.

Don't worry, you did fine. As far as tagging, you can do as you did and list those you're tagging on your blog, and usually most people go to the bloggers you're tagging and leave a comment that you're tagging them, also. Good job. :-)

At 5:12 AM, Blogger Barb said...

Hi there! I'm no blogging expert but I believe Aunt Bev tagged us! So you don't need to tag her. Brenda's a good one to tag - I'd love to see her response. She's so clever with words.

I know when you're swamped, your apartment gets a little neglected but I've seen the magic you work when you decide it's time to "fix" it.

BYW, Grandma's arriving on Saturday, the 27th. Hooray!!!


At 5:37 AM, Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

Actually - you CAN tag us - since you want something else - you want time mgmt tips. And Barb and I are the queens of that (albeit to a weird level.) So I'll put my thinking cap on - you have all summer to work on this! And to watch a little cable too. xoxoxo

PS Leslie is late every single time, even to school even if its only by minutes but her classroom is organized, well run, etc and I even took photos of it when I was there to send to you by email so you can copy whatever is helpful. Its on my to do list which is likely as hopeless as yours.

At 5:38 AM, Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

PS My Favorite thing in her classroom - which wont apply to you - she has the class measure her waist every Friday and they post it on the board. Theres this cloth tape measure - cute cute - her class loves having a preggie teacher.

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Mandy, I love that you can completely come clean about not being organized. In my humble opinion, the nicest people on earth aren't the ones who are perfect; they're the ones who are real. Nobody wants to be friends with perfect people; it just makes the rest of us look bad. And your class management skills more than make up for your car and apartment! Kudos to you--you've figured something out that many teachers never do:)

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Judith said...

Mandy, I'm sorry to have to tell you this. There is just no hope at all. About your life, your apt., your personal world! But it's not your fault. You do all your organizing in the classroom, so being unorganized is your little harbour to retreat to.(I know, bad grammar). I even unorganize sentences. If I had a mantra it would be "A neat desk is a sign of a sick mind". Remember when teachers told you to outline what you were going to write? To me that was a little like diagraming sentences. Never understood that very well either, and thought I just couldn't learn, but years later, when a college instructor insisted that I turn in outlines with my work, I realized that I do outline, but not on paper. I just carry it around in my head, and it may be that you do too. So don't let the organized people intimidate you. But do always put your car keys in the same place, and it wouldn't hurt to have an extra set. I keep mine with my cell phone, so I don't forget either one. Keep check book and money and ID's together, like your Mom said, always in the same place. Just do these few simple things, and don't worry about the rest. When it stacks up high enough, or you run out of food or clothing, you'll attack all the lost or misplaced things, or at least rearrange them, and take a break til next time. Love, Grandma.

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Aunt Bev, you'd be surprised how much my poor waist has grown this school year, thanks to cafeteria food, and coke every night (sometimes two if it was a really busy day). It makes me feel much better that Leslie is often late,too. I showed up over an hour early for my interview last summer, so the whole staff jokes that I have liberty to be late all year.

Grandma, I do actually manage to keep my ids, checks, debit card and keys in my daytimer. I can't get anywhere without it, since my keys are attached. I do worry about the day I leave the daytimer on the counter, shut the locked door behind me, and realize my life is on the other side...

Thank you all for your encouragement. I feel much better about how uncool I really am. And thank you, Sarah, for your encouraging words! I agree, perfect people make the rest of us look bad. Although perfect people on Earth are right up there with Santa Claus, or did you believe in them too? ;-)

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Brenda said...

Well, I don't know if it'll be of any help, but I've posted my "tip" on my blog.

Now let me say that I admire your class management skills. More precisely, I'm in awe. I totally agree with Sarah. Real beats perfect by a landslide, cause you know the perfect people are faking it!

The only really perfect person was Jesus. Do you remember the story of Mary and Martha? Which one did he scold - Mary for not doing her fair share, or Martha for trying to do it all?
There ya go.


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