In A Moment...

A bubbly, newbie teacher and baby Christian who loves to laugh!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Now I've Said My ABCs MeMe

My mom tagged me for this, and I'm going to do something I have never done before. I am going to respond to a tag the same day I got it!

*Accent: Pure Coloradan. Born and raised. Except for the short period of time in Missery, I mean Missouri, but that doesn't count.

* Bible Book That I Like: I am still learning, via my student bible, so I am not familiarized with many. Right now I am studying Luke, and I am enjoying it. I love learning about Jesus' life.

* Chore I Don't Care For: Vacuuming. I am not fond of loud noises. When I was little, I was afraid of the vacuum. Dad still teases me.

* Dog or Cat: Definitely dog. I had cats, and I loved them with all my heart. But, after my recent apartment experience, I do not think I will ever own one again. Besides, Aaron wants a Great Dane so bad, I just can't say no. (or get a cat).

* Essential Electronic: My discman. I know! It is almost obsolete these days, but I love listening to it as I fall asleep.

* Favorite Movie: Annie. Believe it or not, the original with Carol Burnette and Aileene Quinn, not the remade Disney version, which is totally not the same thing.

* Gold or Silver: Diamonds. Wait, that wasn't an option. Okay, silver. I don't own much jewelry, but what I do own is silver. Except my engagement ring. That's white gold (and beautiful).

* Handbag I Carry Most Often: I don't. I don't even own one. I carry the daytimer my dad bought me, which contains everything I need. Except chapstick, but that's what pockets are for.

* Insomnia: Not at all! I usually stay up so late reading that by the time I lay down I fall right to sleep.

* Job Title: Elementary School Teacher. Currently third grade.

* Kids: None. Unless you count 19 eight-year-olds that I will meet in August.

* Living Arrangements: Ha! You added this just to mock me! Currently, my parents' couch. But I promise, I am not a bum! It's just that my apartment is not... ideal. I am in the process of fixing this right now! Really!

* Most Memorable Moment: So far, the day Aaron proposed to me. I am sure my next one will be June 16, 2007.

* Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Sock fits. Really. When I was a kid, I had an issue with the way my socks felt. If they weren't comfortable, I would rip them off and throw them down the hallway in a fit of tears and rage. I have outgrown this. I do sometimes have the urge to do this with my bras, but I have outgrown the sock fits.

* Phobias: Spiders. And bees. And spiders.

* Religion: Christian

* Siblings: An older sister and a brother-in-law. Aaron is an only child, so Andy will be my only in-law sibling.

* Time I Wake Up: Right now, at 7:30, when Krissy, I mean the baby shows up. During the school year 5:01. I have issues that if I set it right on the hour, it won't go off.

* Unusual Talent: The only thing I ever had a talent for was cheerleading, but that is not exactly unusual. Umm... I am not particularly talented at anything. Oh! I can stand on my head for an unreal amount of time!

* Vegetables I Refuse to Eat: None. I am not in love with any, but I don't particularly dislike any either. I do like fruit better, though.

* Worst Habit: Okay, so this was the toughest one for me. In my notebook, I had written hangnails. (I pick at them and my hands look terrible). But, I was afraid to admit to my real worst habit. I am a smoker. I picked it up in high school, and I hate that I do it. I do it in the closet, few people know, because I never want one of my students to find out, but I do it. But! I did set a quit date. Aaron and I set "wedding day goals" and mine was to quit smoking. So, I am on my way. Pray for me!

* X-Rays: My mouth in middle school. This ended in braces. My neck in college when a cheerleading stunt fell on me. This ended in a neck brace. I do not like X-rays. They do not typically end well for me.

* Yummy Stuff I Cook: Kraft Macoroni and Cheese. Okay, so I am not real "up" on the cooking thing. But I still have 340 days until I become a wife, so there is still time to learn! (Mom, can you help me?)

* Zoo Animals I Like Most: Regular zoo: penguins (I collect them). Petting zoo: llamas. (long story).

Okay, did anyone notice that there is not "O" or "Q"? I know my mom didn't, since she eluded to 26 categories, but anyway...


At 10:16 PM, Blogger Brenda said...

Hmmm. There was an O for overnight hospital stays and a Q for favorite quote on mine. You know what this means? Most of us have forgotten our ABC's, since we didn't notice the missing letters.

I'm so excited for you and your upcoming memorable moment!

I like Kraft Mac'n'cheese, and it was the first thing I learned to cook, too.

At 5:02 AM, Blogger Barb said...

Well....what this really means is I managed to skip O and Q. Might be because I was in a hurry, as usual, because I was sneaking back here to the office to do a post while the baby napped. Sorry. I was kind of hoping no one would notice.

Great job, Mandy. And feel free to do another post. You can call it The Missing O and Q" meme. xoxoxo

At 8:14 AM, Blogger Tammy said...

It was great learning more about you, Mandy. You seem like such a bright, warm person.
I will pray for you to quit smoking...although I never smoked, I know from family members that it's a touch habit, but with God's help, you can do it! :) What a super wedding goal!

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Good luck quitting smoking, Mandy. It may be tough, but you can do it. :-)

I'd help you learn how to cook if you were a little closer, but the commute from Colorado to Arkansas might be a bit too much, you think? ;-)

Barb will help, though, and I think new hubbies have cast iron stomachs just for this incidence. Make sure he has a big package of Pepcid, he'll be okay. :-)

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Thanks for the support everyone! I am determined to quit. Aaron and I are actually meeting at the college track to do some running this evening.

Thanks for the offer Diane! If I am ever your way I will come by for a lesson. Unfortunately, my soon to be new hubby won't eat anything with onions in it. My mom doesn't own a recipe without onions. Except for pie. Maybe I will make pie every night.

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

If you want encouragement to quit smoking, talk to Grandma! She's the most adamant ex-smoker I know. Uncle Don did it, you can too. I still love Kraft Mac and Cheese too, if I cook it I eat the entire box. Next morning fingers are little sausages!

At 8:15 PM, Blogger Rob said...


At 7:20 AM, Blogger Courtney said...

Mandy - I loved this post! So fun and what a great way to learn more about you! I think I will post the same thing on my blog today!

BTW - Thanks for your comment on my blog - I mentioned in a comment back to you the book, "The Case for Faith" by Lee Strobel. I'm going to read it in the fall as it has come highly recommended to me. If you are looking for answers to some of those tough questions, it may provide them (but I don't know, because I haven't read it yet myself!!)

At 8:29 AM, Blogger Mandy said...

That's right, Dad. I feel like a complete pile. I mentioned my in-laws even, and I did not mention that I have a half brother, Gregory. Funny, when people ask me verbally if I have any siblings, I always say I have an older sister and a half-brother. Somehow I managed to be the worst little sister in the world with this post. I give you full permission to completely space my wedding now. (As long as you are there to walk me down the aisle.)

At 5:06 PM, Blogger Rob said...



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