In A Moment...

A bubbly, newbie teacher and baby Christian who loves to laugh!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I'm Not Cool

Have you ever sat back and just watched a group of kids? I don't mean siblings, or even cousins. I mean a group of kids who are unrelated, and forced to interact with one another in a social setting. Have you ever just observed?

I have. I do it almost every day of my life. As I was going through the daily routine today, watching my students work in small groups, play together on the playground, and have conversations in the cafeteria, something occured to me. "Cool" is not in their vocabulary. Okay, so they say it all the time: "that is sooo cool!" or "Mom, stop, you're being uncool!". But do they really know what it means? I am convinced that they do not.

I have a little girl in my class who came to school today in a Tweety Bird jumper with bows in her hair. She looked absolutely adorable, but I do not think she was worried about looking "cool". There is another group of girls who bring their dolls or ponies to school every day and carry them everywhere with them. Is this sweet? Absolutely. Is it the "cool" thing to do? Probably not. I have boys who pick pink when asked what color construction paper they want. I have girls who play football at recess, and boys who play house. I have boys who draw flowers and girls who draw dinosaurs. When we turn the cd player on for class parties, everyone dances, and they don't seem to care who is watching them.

My point here is that when you are in the third grade, you are who you are. There is nobody more real than a little kid. They are not busy trying to be somebody they are not, or pretending to like someone or something they don't. They are into what they are into, and that is that. Until about 5th or 6th grade, when "fitting in" becomes a life goal, I truly believe that kids just really want to have fun.

I went into this school year hoping to teach my students some valuable lessons they could take with them up the hallway. As it turns out, they have taught me an important one: just be youself and enjoy the life you are given.

The next time I am at a get-together with my friends, I will dance too. Who cares if I can't follow a beat to save my life? This does not make me an uncoordinated idiot. It just means I can't dance.

The next time somebody asks me what shows I am into, I will tell them I like the Disney Channel. Who cares if it is a kids' channel? This does not make me immature. It just means I like Disney.

The next time someone asks me what music I like, I will admit to them that I like Hilary Duff. Who cares if she is a teeny-bopper craze? This does not make me a teen idol wanna-be. It just means I like her music.

The next time I am running errands with no make-up, my hair a mess, and wearing "lounging clothes", I will not worry about running into someone I know. Who cares if I don't look my best? This does not make me a slob. It just means I like to be comfortable when I can be.

And the next time someone asks me if I am a Christian, I will tell them yes, without hesitation. Who cares what they think of it? This does not make me a person who will judge their every move and preach at them. It just means I have a relationship with my Lord and Savior.

Most importantly, I will try to remember that people can easily lose respect for someone who hides things, lies, or tries to be someone they're not. Nobody can really lose respect for someone just being real.

There is a song I hear occasionally on the radio, and I love the chorus:
"I'm not cool, that's okay, my God loves me anyway. I'm not cool, that's all right, I'm still precious in his sight. I'm not cool, I don't care, how I'm supposed to do my hair. I'm not cool, that's okay, my God loves God loves me anyway."

I find these lyrics to be totally liberating.


At 6:23 PM, Blogger Brenda said...

Amen! The world would be a much better place if we'd all just be ourselves and not worry about trying to impress anybody. I used to be a people pleaser, and believe me, it is too easy to lose sight of who you are when you try to fit in.
Now I only care about pleasing God, and He never fails to remind me Whose I am.

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Barb said...

Oh, Mandy! As Simon Cowell would say, FINALLY, the real Mandy. I'm so proud of you I'm bursting my buttons. Well, I'm wearing one of my Mother's Day tee shirts, but if it had buttons, they'd be bursting. I am completely amazed and awed by you and your amazing observation of what's important and what makes a "person." Truly, I thank God every day you found your way into teaching these small children how to become people. You're going to be that one teacher they remember as making a difference. I feel so emotional tonight. I think it's the unbelievable relief that Addie's going to be OK. A tense week. But I have to tell you, in case I haven't mentioned it in the last half hour, I simple love you to pieces. Child of my heart.


Sorry, Honey. "Lounging clothes?" What a clever thing to call pj's!

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I love this post, Mandy. And from one not-so-cool girl to another (not that I'm calling you not cool!), I think it's much nicer to be friends with people who don't try so hard. :)

At 8:39 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Brenda - I hear you there! Being a people pleaser is exhausting and totally unsatisfying. Knowing that God loves you the most when you act like the person he made you out to be, totally satisfying!

Mom - I knew you would pick up on the pajama thing. Okay, so I am fine with not being cool, but admitting that I actually do wear pajamas out and about is a bit extreme. Thank you for being confident in my ability to influence these kiddos. Lately, in these last days of the school year, I just feel strict.

Sarah - it's okay, I give you permission to say I'm not cool. That's what makes us so cool - we're not! (Does what I'm saying make any sense, or should I maybe go to bed now?)

At 8:46 PM, Blogger Barb said...

Night night, Sweetie. xoxoxo

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

Hello sweet Mandy,

I plan to treat myself to reading through this - slowly - over first cup of coffee. I only read the best with the first cup....

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Barb said...

Oh my....I just love you girls.


At 9:58 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Mandy, you are wise beyond your years, dear heart. It gets tiring trying to keep up the pretenses and keeping the mask on that you show to the "cool" people so they'll think you're "cool", too. I have told my daughter many times, tell me the ugliest truth ever and we'll deal with it, but don't tell me a pretty lie, ever. Phony is so not my thing. No matter how we are with others, God sees our heart, so why bother trying to impress anyone else?
Good job putting this into words and making it easy to understand. :-)

At 5:23 AM, Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

good morning - (first cup of coffee!)

I loved your post! And I love you but thats beside the point.

So Uncle Don and I went to the new DQ, excited to buy blizzards. Problem - we were both in "lounging clothes". Driveup hadnt opened yet. No way were we going home without ice cream. Neither of us agreed to be the one to go in, so we both did - I even had on fuzzy slippers.

You know what - most regular clothes look like pjs anyway! And hardly anybody can really dance, or sing, so good for you for being just you. That's quite good enough and pretty cool in my book. xoxoxo

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Judith said...

Mandy, Grandma here........You obviously have read "The Velveteen Rabbit". Your story could be part of a self-help book for teenagers, or a one time Readers' Digest article. If you don't have a RD, get one. I believe their publishing guidelines are near the front. This is wonderful, so many in the family writing. I thought maybe I am somewhat good at it, but your Mom is bringing the house down! Judith

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Mandy, there is one thing that makes somebody cool--not trying. And that means you are definitely cool:)

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Andre said...

All of a sudden, I don't feel so dorky because I religiously watch Spongebob Squarepants and Saved by the Bell.

Then again, maybe I really am uncool after all...

Great post, Mandy!


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