In A Moment...

A bubbly, newbie teacher and baby Christian who loves to laugh!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Because Of My Mom

I have the perfect mom. I know what you're thinking - I am only saying that because it is Mother's Day. While it does sadden me that I don't say it enough, I kid you not - every day of the year, she is a wonderful mom.

Growing up as my mother's daughter, I have a lot of good memories. Some are happy, some are sad, but all of them are good. For 27 years now, my mom has been a mother, and this is the calling to which she has faithfully devoted her life. There has never been a moment when I did not feel fully loved, and there has never been a time when she has not come through for my sister and me. These are just a few of them...

When my sister and I were kids, the big craze was Teddy Ruxpen, the talking bear. Of course, my sister and I had to have one. We already had a talking Big Bird and Mother Goose, but we needed the bear. And, of course, they were completely sold out everywhere. One day my mom got a call that one store had just gotten one in, and would hold it for thirty minutes. She left work during the storm of the century, drove like a mad-woman in dangerous conditions to get there in time, and walked through the parking lot in ankle-deep water - all to get some silly toy that her daughters couldn't live without. (She even sustained a rather unusual injury while on this mission, but she will kill me if I go there, so I will not.) That bear is long gone now, but the knowledge of what my mother did that day stays with me. Becuase of my mom, Christmas was extra special that year.

When I was a sophomore in high school, my cheerleading squad won a trip to Hollywood, California to march in the Hollywood Christmas Parade. A week before we were to leave, the mom who was supposed to chaperone backed out. Our coach gently informed us that we could not take the trip. We had been practicing the routine for weeks, and had already received our uniforms and plane tickets. It was devastating, and I was inconsolable. My mom knew how big a part of my life cheerleading was, and how much going on this trip meant to me. Somehow she managed to scrounge up the money, get the time off work, and muster up the courage to spend three nights in a hotel with 12 high school girls (not all of whom were the nicest young ladies, might I add). Because of my mom, we got to go on the vacation of a lifetime.

A year later, when I was a Junior, prom time rolled around. This was not a happy time for me. I did not have a date, or a dress, and was heartbroken to accept the fact that I was going to have to miss out on the big night. About three days before prom, I met a guy from another school that I wanted to ask, but there was still the issue of the dress. There were only three days remaining, and I was so busy with cheer practice and a part time job, that it just wasn't going to happen. One night I got home late from work, and found my mother waiting for me - with a gorgeous dress, two tickets, and the phone ready for me to call this guy. Her and my grandma had gone shopping while I was at work. Because of my mom, I got to be a part of the biggest event of the year (with no curfew!).

Because of my mom, I had the best childhood. I got to experience the zoo and the circus (even though she fears circuses). I had the best birthday parties, even one that involved a dozen 13-year-old girls asleep in the living room. I had someone to watch every new cheer and dance routine I ever learned - twice. Because of my mom, I had cupcakes to bring to school every year on my birthday. I had the most magical Christmases (she still writes "from Santa" on some of the gifts). I had someone to read to, and someone to play board games with on rainy days. Because of my mom, I know how to scrapbook and cross-stitch and sew. I know how to crochet and cook (well, kind of). Because of my mom, I am officially addicted to American Idol and blogging. I have a place to sleep on the weekends, because I cannot stand to spend more than two weeks away from her.

Most importantly, because of my mom, I am truly blessed. God was definitely looking out for me when he gave me the mom he did.

Happy Mother's Day, mom. You truly have no idea how special you are. You are my best friend, and one of my favorite people.


At 11:49 AM, Blogger Brenda said...

Mandy, You are blessed to have such a wonderful mom. It's no wonder that I like her so much. I know, I only know her through blogging, but I'm sure she's as great in person as she is in writing. Your post testifies to that.

Anyway, since we're such tight friends and all (your mom and me) I just gotta ask - Do you REALLY think she deserves to get her next grandchild from a sperm bank?

Seriously though, she must feel blessed to be your mother.

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Awwww.........This is so SWEET!!! I've always said, give me my flowers now if you feel like I deserve them, don't wait and put them on my casket when I can't enjoy them! Good job of praising and giving credit where credit is due, here. Your Mom will love this probably more than any material thing you can give her. I know I treasure all the letters my 18 year-old daughter writes for me (my idea!). :-)

Hope you have a GREAT Mother's Day, Mandy, and God Bless. :-)

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Barb said...

I don't even know what to say, Mandy,I'm so moved. Any mother will tell you that she's not always sure she's a good mom, but I obviously got it right. I love you. xoxoxoxo

ps -- because of this wonderful mother's day gift, I will reveal to all of bloggerville the mystery injury I sustained when I went racing after Teddy Ruxpin. I was so excited I slammed the car door on my head. Almost lost an ear but I still got that bear! How sweet of you to let ME be the one to tell everyone. xoxoxo

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Brenda - I have no intention of letting my mom's grandbaby come from a sperm bank. I FULLY intend to adopt her grandbabies from the humane society. I am hoping I can find a Shi Tzu, so I can name her Molly.

Mom - I knew better than to tell that story! I have a feeling I may be hungry next weekend, and I was afraid you wouldn't feed me if I told. I also don't fancy sleeping on the back patio.

Happy Mother's Day. Wish I could be there!

At 6:37 PM, Blogger Brenda said...

Oh. Okay then. Nothin' wrong with that. When we first got my girls a puppy, my dad would ask them "how's my granddog?" (He's a hoot.)

Barb, Now that's what I call dedication. Ouch!

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Bernadette -
Thanks so much! I will definitely continue to visit your blog! (and those websites!)

Brenda- That is so funny! When I was in college, I had a pet rat and two mice. My mom called them her grandrodents!

At 6:58 AM, Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

Hello Mandy,

Leslie started my moms day with a drawn bath, roses, music, candles, and two magazines - things only a daughter would think of. im sure your mom was wowed by your thoughtfulness. She IS as wonderful as you describe! xoxoxo

At 8:04 AM, Blogger Barb said...

Ya'll need to stop now. I'm not THAT great, just love being Krissy and Mandy's mom. We had our moments, like every other mom in the world has had with her daughter, some moments I'd better NEVER read about in a blog, Mandy!

By the way, I'd much rather have grandpuppies than grandrodents. I know YOU loved that big white rat (Templeton) but......


At 6:53 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Mom, if you didn't love him, then why did you bring him an entire bag of toilet paper rolls every time you came to visit?

At 7:44 PM, Blogger Barb said...

OK. You had to tell everyone that, right?


At 4:27 PM, Blogger Brenda said...

I believe I'd draw the line at grandpuppies or grandkitties, maybe even grandbunnies. No grandrodents or grandsnakes for me, thanks!

Know what we called toilet paper and paper towel rolls when I was a kid?
Doo-doo ta doos! (Think musical instrument.)

At 8:39 PM, Blogger Barb said...



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