In A Moment...

A bubbly, newbie teacher and baby Christian who loves to laugh!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

There's No Place Like Home

So I was thinking the other day, "I am not nearly stressed out enough." I mean, all I have to do is plan a wedding, figure out how to budget said wedding and still have somewhat of a life, keep up with summer projects I have been assigned by my school, and somehow get to Montrose and get a classroom going again. I mean, really, nothing. So I thought to myself, "What can I do to liven things up a bit?" And then it came to me. "I know! I'll move into a new apartment!"

So, on June 30, I made the 90 minute trip to Montrose and informed my property management company that I would be out by the end of July. Sounds like a rash decision, right? Allow me to take you back in time about a year...

About a year ago, I moved in with a friend. I had just finished the teaching program and was working as a summer nanny for a family that didn't pay much. I was also working part-time for a golf course. After a year long full-time teaching internship with no pay, I was broke. My friend offered me a room in her condo to help me out. She was wonderful - a good friend and sister in Christ. But I longed to have my own place. I wanted my dishes and furniture and "stuff" out of storage.

A few months later I got a teaching job 61 miles away. After nine weeks of driving three hours a day, a friend of mine from the teaching program (who got a job at the same school) offered me her spare bedroom. Within a week the move was done. She, too, was a great roomy. We had a lot of fun together and became great friends. Despite the fact that splitting bills and rent made life easier, and we had a blast, I still really wanted a place to call my own.

In March, everything started falling into place for me. I got an apartment right by the school, and was able to move in on April 1st. April Fool's Day was an appropriate date for this move!

The day I moved in, Mom, Dad, Aaron and I walked in to a peculiar smell. Upon walking around, we quickly realized that the place had not been shampooed (or cleaned at all for that matter). We figured the smell, whatever it was, would go away whenever they got around to their responsibility of having the place cleaned. We went ahead and started moving in the boxes we had brought with us. Right after we finished unloading two trucks and a jeep, a guy from the property management company showed up (a day late) and offered to shampoo around my stuff. As soon as the carpet got wet, we realized what the smell was... cat pee. Everywhere. The living room, the upstairs bedroom, all the closets. Which is funny, really, because this is a place that does not allow pets. We immediately reported it to the company. They responded by spraying deoderizer on the spot in the living room. Instead of spending my first night in my new apartment, I drove back to my parents' house to sleep a few more nights on the couch, because it simply was not livable. This was only the beginning...

Other than the fact that my mom spent the day cleaning bugs out of all the light fixtures and replacing every lightbulb in the apartment, while I peeled chewed up gum out of 13 places, the smell was by far the biggest issue. The company told me they would not fix anything until I turned in my move-in checklist. I filled it out in detail and turned it in the next day. I also mentioned that none of the four blinds worked, and that there wasn't a single screen on the windows. I also made sure they knew that all the towel racks were being held up by rubber bands. They assured me that they would fix everything.

What was the result of this check-list? Another layer of febreeze on the carpet (which really made it worse since it got it wet again) and my dad spending a small fortune at Ace Hardware and making another trip out to fix everything for me. To this day, I still have one set of working blinds, because they decided to fix 1/4 of the broken ones. At this point I was getting mildly irritated.

Over the next two months I put in six complaints about the horrid smell. The result? Six coats of deoderizer on the carpet. This gave me about 18 days total of relief from the smell. At one point, they told me that if I moved everything out of the room, they would fix the smell. So I did. I spent an entire evening (on a school night) transplanting my living room into my kitchen. The next day I came home to an incident report letting me know they had sprayed deoderizer. Yay!

Over the last three months, I have spent more nights on my parents' couch than I have in my own apartment, and I haven't spent a single night there since the last day of school in May. I have gone back a few times to water plants and work on classroom stuff. Each time, the smell is worse. There is not a single cooling thing in the apartment (no a/c, swamp cooler, fans, nada). Do you have any idea what cat pee smells like at 110 degrees?

To make a short story long, I will be out by July 31st, and this really was not a rash decision. The decision to move in was. I should not have been so desperate to have my own place. So, even though it will be a lot of work, and I am (mildly) stressed out about it, I still look forward to having a "home sweet home" I can breathe in. Please pray for me as I begin yet another quest for a decent shelter. (And forgive me the tangent I just went on).

Anyone have any ruby slippers I can click together?


At 8:58 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Good grief! I hate the cat pee smell so much we ripped out 500 square feet of carpet in our house and replaced it with wood. It's not livable. Good luck finding a better place:) And a year from now, you'll be home for good!

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Barb said...

I can loan you a pair of flip flops to click together - would that help? Can't remember where I put my ruby slippers.

I've noticed in the last week or so that you're remarkably calm for a gal who has so dang much to do in the next 20 days. I keep waiting for the explosion. We both should mention here that when you moved into this apartment, to all outward appearances it was a nice place. It was only after you started living there that all the horrible smells and spit and paste construction came to light.

As always, Dad and I will do anything we can to help you relocate. And as always, the couch is yours as long as you like, even if you have to do the long commute for a while until you find a NICE place.

Guess what, Sarah. This time next year she'll be married and she and Aaron will be relocating to Fort Collins since we're pretty sure that's where he'll go to graduate school. So we all actually know this next move for Mandy really is intentionally "temporary." Just never knew the last ten moves were going to be temporary!


At 2:51 PM, Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

Janae moved something like 4 times in the year or so before she and Dan married. And theyre about to move again, to a 2 bedroom, but still its moving with all the upheaval. Wont you be so glad when you finally settle into one place. your comment about moving in on april fools day cracked me up. Probably not so funny to you. xooxxo

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Thanks, Sarah. I think the whole reason I haven't had what my mom calls "the explosion" yet, is because I keep thinking about how a year from now I will have some stability when it comes to a sense of "home."

You're right, Aunt Bev, it's not that funny right now. But I know that a few years from now my mom and I (and Aaron, since he's moved me 6 times in the 2 years I've known him) will sit around drinking Margaritas and cracking up about my fabulous taste in apartments.

Mom, thanks for the couch - it has really made my life a lot easier this summer. I'll pass on the flip flops, though. If I start clicking those together, Chelsea is sure to attack.

At 8:15 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Stopping by...just wanted to say- take a deep breath! Ok, let it out! :)
Seriously, I haven't read many of your posts yet but wanted to say congratulations on your upcoming wedding! It's a stressful time but exciting, too! :)

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Krissy said...

Hey, hey...I helped. I hooked you up with a ton of boxes today. But if you need anymore help, I'm here!

At 9:42 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Yes, Krissy, I do neep help. Do you by any chance know, just in case I find a place without washer/dryer hookups, anyone who can take in a dryer for a year? You know, someone to use it regularly and show it love?


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