In A Moment...

A bubbly, newbie teacher and baby Christian who loves to laugh!

Monday, July 03, 2006

7 Things About Me...MeMe

Okay, my mom tagged me with this forever ago. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not good at the juggling act, and as I do have a few balls in the air right now, it took me a while to get to it. But here goes...

7 Random Facts About Me

*I am obsessed with Disney. Seriously obsessed. I own almost every Disney movie ever made - even the made for TV ones. I still watch the Disney Channel at 25. The best vacation I ever took was when I went to Disney World at age 17. I will never grow out of it.

*For most of my life my passion was cheerleading. I started at age 9 with midget football, and continued until age 20 at Mesa State College. Then I went on to coaching. I guess once a cheerleader, always a cheerleader.

*I still sleep with a stuffed animal. I always said I would give it up when I got married. And I will. Until then, he makes a great pillow!

*I inherited the anti-driving gene from my mom. I was 17 before I got my license, and even then I still walked to school.

*Despite my aversion to insects, I love rodents. I have had every gross pet imaginable. I have had frogs, lizards, rats and mice. I love them!

*I still have my bottom retainer from when I got my braces off in the tenth grade. I don't need it anymore, I don't think my teeth are going anywhere. They just haven't taken it out yet.

*If I don't get a cup of coffee and one chapter of my book before starting my day, I cannot even remotely function.

7 Things That Scare Me

* Spiders. But you all already knew that, right?

*Bees. They're not as bad as spiders, but just hearing one buzzing around me is enough to turn me into a screaming break-dancing idiot.

*Tornados. When I was a teenager, I would not stay home alone in the summer, because I was afraid the sirens would go off.

*Lightening. It is beautiful if watched from inside a shelter, but if I am outside, I flip out.

*Scary mean women who drive black SUVs.

*Wild animals. Aaron is begging me to go camping with him this summer, but I have nightmares about being ripped from my sleeping bag by a mountain lion or a bear.

*Child birth. I do plan to go through it some day, but it still scares me.

7 Random/Music At the Moment

*"When God Ran" by Philips, Craig & Dean.

*"Where Did I Go Right" by Hilary Duff.

*"You've Got the Touch" by Alabama.

*Okay, so I can't think of 7 right now. Pretty much anything by Hilary Duff, and anything on KLOVE, my favorite Christian radio station.

7 Things I like the Most

*My engagement ring (and the fiance that comes with it)

*Pink (my signature color)

*Penguins (I collect them)


*Coffee (I get teased for drinking it all day, especially by my students, who always give me mugs.)

*Entire seasons of tv shows on DVD

*Puzzles - word puzzles, and the kind with lots of pieces.

7 Things I Say the Most

*In a moment...


*You Know?


*Right on! ( or in the classroom- write on!)

*You rock!

*Yea buddy!

7 People To Do This

Okay, so I am not going to tag anyone for this. First off, my mom tagged me almost a week ago, so I am already a little slow on the uptake. Secondly, my mom pretty much covered everyone with her seven. Third, if she didn't tag someone, it's because they either tagged her or already got tagged by someone else.

So, I hope you enjoyed random me. It wasn't as easy as I had thought it would be, but I gave it my best effort!


At 11:39 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I think your 7 things are pretty funny! I think we would get along well!

At 11:42 AM, Blogger Barb said...

Right on! Great list. But Dude! you forgot to mention Oscar the iguana. You know? And scary mean women who drive black SUV's don't scare me - they make me downright mad. Anyone who gets angry and mean when they're driving is asking for trouble. Whatever.....

Great job and I'm sure there are tens and tens of sighs going up out there, everyone's so relieved you didn't tag them for this!


At 1:13 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Pretty much mean women on the road period frighten me, but my most recent encounter involved a black SUV.

I chose not to mention Oscar because he hated me so. I still have scars on my arms from his wicked tail, and my feelings are still hurt by his hissing. He truly did not understand "Oscar, no bite!"

At 1:27 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Great list, Mandy! :-)

I had a 3 ft. long iguana named Iggy. My nephew had her first and gave her the catchy name, LOL. :-)

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

Mandy, only tell people you like Penguins if youd like your entire house decorated in them. Ask grandma about her thing with elephants and what happened when she mentioned it.

And your cousin Sarah may or may not be honest enough to tell you about Snoopy, her stuffed animal. Maybe in private email?

At 3:30 PM, Blogger Brenda said...

Love your list and your sense of humor.

Oh, and I like your haircut.


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