In A Moment...

A bubbly, newbie teacher and baby Christian who loves to laugh!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thursday Thirteen #4

Thirteen things I would do if money were no object...

* I would bet married on the Disney Cruise. Or at least honeymoon there.

* I would buy a home. I am just about completely over renting. (Stay tuned for future post)

* I would hire a personal hairdresser. I cannot stand getting myself ready. I like being ready, but getting myself there daily just about kills me. I have to start about three hours ahead of time and take many breaks during the process.

* I would buy a Toyota Rav4. I love my little jeep, but these things are so cute! I would buy a pink one.

* I would buy Aaron a boat. When they sold theirs, it broke his heart. (Even though his truck won't pull it, so he's used it once in the last three years).

* I would buy Aaron a new truck to pull the boat. Then I would buy Krissy and Andy another truck identical to the one they just bought, so they would quit squabbling over who's day it is to drive it.

* I'd buy a personal jet. It would make these trips back and forth from Montrose to Grand Junction a lot easier. Seriously, I am making the drive today to get my roller blades. It would be cheaper, and quicker, to just go buy a new pair.

* I would buy my parents a motorhome. Actually, due to issues of grinding teeth and snoring, I would buy them two motorhomes. His and Hers with matching towels.

* I would buy Aaron a Great Dane. He wants one so bad. We have decided to get one when we are married and have a proper home, but think of all the quality time they are missing out on between now and then.

* I would buy a golf course for my dad. Then neither time or money would ever get in the way of his addiction. After that, I would buy one for my Grandpa so he would quit hogging my dad's.

* I would pay air fare and hotel acommodations for every out-of-town guest on my wedding guest list.

* I would buy two more computers so that my dad and I could blog every now and then, too.

* I would buy a llama.


At 10:47 AM, Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

Well actually, if you got the Great Dane now you'd be cutting into his life span drastically. They only live about 6 years (spoken from someone who has a history of shortening life spans...) so no hurry on getting the dog.

A llama - why? I'm asking this because I have always always wanted a baby lamb. To name Ivy. A girl baby lamb. I know it couldnt come inside, but I would love to have one with a little bell around her neck. I am serious here, and the rest of the family thinks this is weird, but I really dont see much difference between them and a dog. Dont you think they could be housebroken? If you only get a little money, I'd go for the computer thing.

At 11:33 AM, Blogger Barb said...

A llama. A llama? How in the world would you stuff THAT down the toilet when you got sick of it? You'd have to call Aunt Bev!

Poor Bev. What a reputation you gave yourself with that post.

And only you would be so sweet that you'd know Dad and I need two RV's. It's OK if you don't get too deep into explaining the teeth grinding/snoring LOUD thing.


At 6:47 PM, Blogger Rob said...

Mandy--all of my greens would have to be bowl shaped with the hole in the bottom of the bowl.

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Brenda said...

Laughing @ Barb.

Can't say I've ever wanted to be a mama to a llama, but we have some neighbors up the road who have them. No idea what for. Maybe they just have a lot of money.

At 8:19 PM, Blogger My Purpose: said...

Very cute, and so, so sacrificial! You've thought of just about everyone except yourself, I think! I'm impressed...and humbled.
Love ya!

At 8:19 PM, Blogger My Purpose: said...

Very cute, and so, so sacrificial! You've thought of just about everyone except yourself, I think! I'm impressed...and humbled.
Love ya!

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Krissy said...

Ha,ha! A llama...I get it...hee hee that was so funny! you'll have to explain that one.

Please, please, PLEASE don't buy a pink car! Please! That's all I can say...please.

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Umm, a llama? How about a stuffed one (pretend, not real)? Of course, if you do get a llama, you'd have to send Caiden a picture of it--he thinks they're great! Funny list:)

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Mandy said...

I love llamas, but there's actually a funny story about that - maybe in a later post.

One of the gals I work with got a llama last summer. It lasted about two days before they gave it back. Apparently it kept making this awful wailing sound and throwing itself on the ground. She was afraid it would break its neck if it didn't stop. Talk about a drama queen!


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