In A Moment...

A bubbly, newbie teacher and baby Christian who loves to laugh!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Happy Birthday Cameron!

I still vividly remember the day my sister found out she was pregnant. My mom only had to tell me three times to walk down and see my sister before I finally complied. Apparently she had gotten tired of waiting for me, because as I was walking down the driveway she was running up it, pregnancy test in hand. She had tears in her eyes and looked happier than I had ever seen her. She didn't have to say a word - I knew. I was overjoyed. I was happy and excited. I had no idea what was in store.

Nine months later I found myself sitting in the delivery room where we were to meet Cameron for the first time. My sister was a champ through the whole ordeal. Me? Not so much. The only labor and delivery I had ever seen was in the movies. This was nothing like that. At one point I think her doctor was worried he might have to revive me. I probably should have been in Biology the day they showed the "Miracle of Life" video. But I wasn't. I was sick. I had the same thing I had come down with the day we disected the pig. Go figure. Anyway, this should be some clue as to how well I handled Cameron's entrance into the world. But we all survived it - Krissy probably better than any of us. 36 hours later Krissy was in recovery and Cameron was being passed from one loving set of arms to the next. When he finally made it to my arms, the world stopped for a brief moment. He was the most precious thing I had ever laid eyes on. At that point, I knew next to nothing about babies. I also had no idea how much I would learn over the course of a year.

In the last 365 days I have learned that few things are grosser than a bad diaper, and few things are harder than changing a squirmy baby. Few things hurt worse than the pinch of a baby who needs his nails trimmed, and nothing is more impossible than the act of trimming them. "No" does not have to be in a child's vocabulary in order for him to express that he is not hungry. There is no such thing as too much Baby Einstein, and Sesame Street and Teletubbies are actually not bad shows. Whoever invented the baby swing should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. There is no need for an alarm clock when the baby shows up at 7:15. Bath-time takes on a whole new meaning when it involves a newborn.

Most importantly, I learned that there is truly nothing better than being an auntie. There is truly something wonderful about the lighted-up grin you receive when your nephew sees you. The first time you can make him laugh is unforgettable. I feel so blessed that I have been around this year to form a relationship with this little man. He knows me, he recognizes me, and he wants to crawl over and say hello when he sees me. There is nothing better than that. I never knew how much I could love until this little boy became a part of my life.

People say that having a baby changes everything. who knew how much this baby would change my life. Thank you, Krissy, for all that you do, and for making me the happiest auntie in the world.


At 3:26 PM, Blogger Barb said...

Having a baby does change everything, for all of us, but especially for Kris. She's going to love this. I love the photos.

You're really a super auntie.


At 3:36 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Just wait...As much as you love Cameron, there is no other feeling in the world like holding your own baby close to your heart for the first time. Your heart is expandable, and has more than enough love for your nephew, your child and every one you love. Sometimes it will feel like your heart will burst with love for them...Now that's a good feeling. :-)

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Brenda said...

This is the sweetest post. Diane's right - you can't even imagine how much more your heart will overflow when you have one of your own.

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

You are blessed to be right there and be a part of it all. Barb and I have never ever lived near each other since we started having children, a loss for both of us and for our kids. Enjoy every minute of your time with him. And take notes - when you have your own you'll be darned glad you did.

At 8:58 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

I have no doubt that holding my own child some day will be beyond words. Aaron and I have decided to wait a while for that chapter in our lives. I strongly feel 30 is a good age for me to have my first child. In the meantime, I choose to enjoy every minute I have with this one.

At 10:00 PM, Blogger Barb said...

Manda-Panda, three days later I'm reading this again. And you know what? As much as you believe you're blessed to have your sister's child in your life, I know how blessed this child is to have you in his life. I love it that you love your sister and her child so much but I love it even more that we all have you in our lives. xoxoxo Mom


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