In A Moment...

A bubbly, newbie teacher and baby Christian who loves to laugh!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A Piece of (wedding) Cake!

In a previous post, my mom mentioned a wonderful little book she found: 101 Best Wedding Tips. After the fabulous advice she found (I now know to shave my legs that day), I just had to check it out. These are some of the lifesaving tips I found:

1. If you feel your nails are too short, consider nail extensions...
2. If your arms feel rough and look blotchy, try a daily skin-care routine that includes showering or bathing...
3. Using a medicated shampoo daily is the best way to control flakes...
4. For the best skin protection, apply a sunscreen 20 minutes before going into the sun...
5. To ensure your headpiece stays in place, anchor it with bobby pins...
6. Put on your accessories after you are fully dressed...
7. Make sure your fiance and his groomsmen try on their tuxedos before leaving the rental shop...
8. Regarding the honeymoon: the more you can afford, the more upscale the hotel...

What great wedding-saving advice! I mean, really, who would have ever thought to bathe, get their nails done, or put their jewelry on after they're dressed? It never even occured to me that the kind of honeymoon we would have would depend upon our budget! I am so thankful for these wonderful tips. And I'll be sure to let Aaron know that it's a really good idea to try on his tux before he rents it!

While I obviously couldn't possibly need any other preparation tips for the big day, I still decided to flip through some bridal magazines. Believe it or not, I came across more great ideas! Now these are some I fully plan to utilize. In excess!

1. Laugh if Off: "researchers...recently found that laughing heartily for 10 to 15 minutes a day can burn up to 50 go ahead - laugh yourself into a smaller dress size."

With Aaron for my fiance, this should be no sweat! (pun intended).

2. Pucker Up: "Grab your fiance for a smooch! Kissing may strengthen the immune system and make us more resilient to stress simply because it makes us feel good."

Who knew healthy living could be so much fun? Being in the psychology field and all, Aaron is pretty big into research. He's gonna love this study!

So basically, a week into my wedding planning, here is what I've learned: in order to have a fairy tale, perfectly pulled off, clockwork-like wedding, I need to shave my legs, bathe, get my nails done, apply moisturizing sunscreen, make sure my veil is securely fastened to my head, kiss my fiance a lot, and just laugh it off. I can handle that!

Pulling off my dream wedding is going to be a piece of cake!


At 8:36 AM, Blogger Barb said...


You have much to learn, Little One!

There's no such thing as an "easy to pull off" wedding when the guest count could possibly reach 250-300 people.

All together now: Small. Intimate. Romantic. Simple.

Sigh. Help me.....


At 9:55 AM, Blogger Brenda said...

Did you ever see the movie "Forget Paris"? Be careful about that phrase "piece of cake".

Those tips are too funny, in a sad kinda way. Are there really people old enough to marry who don't know about basic hygiene? Oh. Never mind. Yeah I've seen them at the bowling alley.

Love this post. And Barb's comment. Y'all are my favorite sit-com.

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Rob said...

Mandy...I never realized before that you could put your tongue into your cheek...well done girl.

At 10:59 AM, Blogger Mandy said...

Thanks Dad! I have been watching you and practicing for years. Maybe I have finally mastered it.

I think, in defense of this little book, that they were simply trying to make sure they reached both types of people in the world: those who live in society, and those who wish they did.

At 11:34 AM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Hey, even here in Hickville, USA we do bathe every day.....Okay, MOST of us bathe every day, whether we need it or not! LOL :-)

Hmmmm......250-300 people is small and intimate now, is it? Boy, things have changed in the 20 years since MY wedding!

God give you strength, Barb! (And Mandy!) ;-)

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Barb said...

Diane, we're having a little family meeting, both families, Sunday after church to sort of kick the guest list around. I plan to give it a BIG kick. I honestly hope I'm kidding about that ridiculous figure but I'm not all that sure yet.

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

There are 40 people on my guest list. I DO NOT want a huge wedding. 250 is huge.

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Barb said...

Lest you forget....Aaron and his mom Jan and I have not done OUR lists yet.

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Heather Smith said...

Too funny! I would hope even if you weren't planning a wedding that you would shower or bathe daily! If you didn't, you might not have a fiance! LOL! Anyway, thanks for the stop by my site! I'll be back, looking forward to hearing more about this "piece of cake" wedding!

At 8:11 PM, Blogger Krissy said...

OK, I am can kissing BUILD the immune system? I thought you WEREN'T supposed to kiss if you were sick because then they would get sick and then everyone would get're right, horrible advice!

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Krissy, it may be horrible advice, but I'm taking it anyway!

At 8:31 AM, Blogger the lizness said...

seriously, laughing is a good thing. Except when I was getting married I got the nervous giggles and laughed all the way down the aisle while my dad snotted and slobbered while giving me away. I just about couldn't say my vows I was giggling so hard and The Rev was stone-faced, I thought he was regretting marrying me, but really he was just nervous too.

Here's a piece of real advice - eat at your reception. And eat cake too, not just the one ceremonial bite that you don't even get to savor because you then have to smile for the camera.

At 7:23 AM, Blogger Courtney said...

Great post - my wedding advice would just be to HAVE FUN! I think a lot of brides get so caught up in all of the details and the planning, they forget what the wedding is all about. It is a wonderful union between two people who want to publicly declare their love to others and before God! As long as you keep bringing it before God, I have no doubt your wedding will be exactly as you dreamed it would be!

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Judith said...

Mandy, This is late, but a big congratulation to you and Aaron. Love, Grandma.


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