In A Moment...

A bubbly, newbie teacher and baby Christian who loves to laugh!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Best Day of My Life...So Far

Okay, I know everyone has been waiting for my new post, so here it is. Today I have chosen my own Thursday Thirteen to let the world know.

Thirteen Things I Love About Aaron, My Fiance...

1. He is passionate about everything. Whether he is working, playing, or having an in-depth conversation, he does it with passion. Most importantly, he loves me with a passion. I can feel this every time I am with him, no matter what we are doing.

2. He is loyal. He has remained true to me since the day I met him. Even when I moved 60 miles away, after catapulting us into a "friends" status, his heart has never changed. He has always been there for me even though I didn't always deserve it.

3. He loves my family almost as much as he loves me. He has been a part of every single family gathering we have had, regardless of our current status. This may just be because he gets fed (two) steaks just about every time he is here, but I'm pretty sure it's more than the meat. He loves my mother to pieces, talks to my sister on the phone and all but ignores me to go do "boy stuff" with my dad in his garage. He can't wait to be "Uncle Aaron" to little Cameron.

4. He values education. He was the star of the psychology program we both graduated from at Mesa State. He graduated Cum Laude and worked his tail off to earn every single cord and medal he wore as he walked the stage to receive his diploma. He has quickly become one of the top employees at the mental health facility he works in, even being awarded "Employee of the Year." He is determined to go to graduate school, and excel. He will not settle for less than he is capable of and he won't accept anything less than the degree and program he strives for.

5. My dreams are just as important to him as they are to me. He knows that my passion and calling is to teach school and he has made it very clear that my dreams will not sit on the back burner while he pursues his own. He supported me through the teaching program, accepted my putting miles between us to take my first job and was there for me as I took my first terrifying steps into my own classroom. He's aware that I, too, would like to continue my education and he encourages me to do so. His philosophy is that we will follow both dreams and we will follow them together.

6. He is funny! Really funny! He has a quick wit and a fabulous sense of humor. He does voices (a trait he receieved from his father) and is constantly clowning around. If he cares for you at all, he gives you a hard time. Considering how big his heart is, he gives a lot of people a hard time. I cannot remember one time that I hung out with him and didn't laugh out loud at least once.

7. He can laugh at himself. Through the course of our history, he has done many things that are laughable. We had a few incidents with the lawn mower that no doubt left him feeling sheepish. We also had some issues with the grill that threatened his manliness. He has almost given himself a concussion while digging around in the fridge and strategically placed one of his golf clubs dead center in a lake once. While many of these things left him a little pink in the cheeks, he never lost the ability to laugh about them.

8. He humors me. If I am into something, even if he thinks it is the cheesiest thing in creation, he will go for it. He once sat there for almost an hour and endured the voice of Hilary Duff because I insisted he just had to hear "one more really good song- I promise, just one more." He also sat through the first three seasons of Dawson's Creek when I received them for Christmas. He also earned brownie points for staying awake during Annie and My Fair Lady because he knows I love them. He only mumbled "kill me" twice when he took me to see "The Full Monty" at our local dinner theatre.

9. He is just as avid about reading as I am. Not only does he value literature, but when he finishes a great book, he will give me a copy and insist I read it. He has read every book I have passed his way as well. He even read "The Five Love Languages" when I asked him to and he admitted to liking it. I am so hungry for reading and it means a lot to me to have someone to share that hunger with, especially someone who will get in to deep conversations about what is written.

10. He is a Christian. I could not marry a man that did not see a relationship with Jesus as important. I truly believe that having a Christian foundation on which to base our relationship will make all the difference. We are both baby Christians and I can't wait to grow together in our faith.

11. He has strong family morals and values. His mother is truly one of the most important people in his life. He shows her so much support, love and respect and truly loves spending time with her. He also refused to go anywhere near taking this next step in our relationship until he talked to my father and obtained his blessing. Although we have decided to wait a few years, I cannot wait to see him step into the role of father himself.

12. He is my best friend. Aaron and I have entertained every title we possibly could in the past few years. Aaron has been my friend, the guy I'm kind of dating, my boyfriend, my ex and now my finace. In another year, he will be my husband. His title in my life has changed many times but his presence never has. The one thing he has always been to me, and always will, is my best friend.

13. He has gorgeous red hair. Okay, while I do find him to be utterly gorgeous, I threw this one in for Mom. Maybe she will get those red haired freckle faced grandbabies yet...

So now you know. Aaron proposed to me yesterday and we are getting married next spring. For many of you, this probably seems very sudden. Trust me, it is not. We have a history that spans over two years and apparantly everyone in our lives has seen this coming. I wanted to introduce everyone to Aaron and make our announcement. I promise to follow up with more later about how this man came into my life and how we ended up where we are today. But for now, everyone, meet Aaron.


At 8:50 AM, Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

If you love him, he's bound to be a good guy. Sweet, sweet. Ring is so pretty. Humor - will carry you both further together than just about anything. Being able to laugh and laugh at yourself - both priceless gifts. And you look great together! xoxox Aunt Bev

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Barb said...

Congratulations, my love. Dad and I couldn't be happier for you both and we feel blessed to be receiving this new son into our lives. Even through the rocky parts, you always knew how we felt about Aaron. So this a huge reason for a big big celebration in our family! xoxoxo

PS - My digital camera just didn't do your beautiful engagement ring justice. We'll have to get Dad to break out his 35mm.

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

What a good-looking couple!! Congratulations, Mandy and Aaron. Many wishes for a long, full, happy life together. Always put God first, and everything else will fall in place and take care of itself. :-)

At 9:24 AM, Blogger Brenda said...

Congratulations, Mandy! I was wondering when he became your fiance, but you answered that question. Gorgeous ring! Can't wait to hear details. How exciting!

At 1:59 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Mandy, first of all, congratulations! I'm so excited for you!!

And secondly, he just LOOKS like a nice guy! Some people just are that way, you know, and I can tell he's nice just from the picture you posted. Hooray! I bet Leslie is jumping up and down for you right now! (Oh, I forgot--probably not, being pregnant and all. But I know she's super-excited!!)xoxo

At 3:24 PM, Blogger Addie said...

Congratulations! Sounds like you got a great guy! You two look awfully cute together.

At 8:04 PM, Blogger Brenda said...

So, does this mean a family discount on mental health treatments, you know, just in case the stress of planning (and blogging) the perfect wedding sends your mom over the edge?

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Lou Reed's Sister said...

Actually, it's customary to only congratulate the groom-to-be, whereas the bride-to-be is wished "Best Wishes".

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Barb said...

Looks like you've been discovered by a troll, Mandy. Disgusting web site.

At 1:30 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Hey, I resent that comment!! Besides, it's my sister Sue that we refer to as "The Troll", LOL. ;-)

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Barb said...

Diane, surely you knew I was referring to the comment above mine. I've already warned Mandy not to go there. And troll is a word I learned from my new blogging book! Perfect word to describe people with web sites like that one. I agree with Bev. There are some very scary sites out there.

Your sister's a troll? How strange. :'

At 7:16 PM, Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Yep, I made the mistake of clicking on her blog, too. Ick!! And we teasingly call my oldest sister, Sue, troll. Teasingly, I said, LOL! :-)

At 8:11 PM, Blogger owlhaven said...



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