In A Moment...

A bubbly, newbie teacher and baby Christian who loves to laugh!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I'm Still Your Friend!

It has been well over a week since I have posted anything. I am generally really bad at keeping up, but this is pushing it, even for me. In a sense, I feel like I am ignoring my friends. So, here I am, with an update.

As you all know, I was in desperate need of a home. At one point mid-month, I asked myself why I ever got the idea to turn in notice on my apartment. There are pretty slim pickings here in good old Montrose, and I was having no luck finding anything better than what I already had. Now, as I sit in said apartment, I am reminded why I am moving...again. I should be packing boxes right now, but just moving is a challenge. It is so hot that I am afraid if I even adjust myself in my chair too quickly, I will overexert myself and pass out. I survive by carrying around a little fan.

However, I have been blessed. My fiance went into superman mode, and drove down here last saturday, vowing that we would find me an apartment before he left. We found better than that. I am now the proud tenant of a little house. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen. It is one bedroom, one bathroom, and very very tiny. It isn't cramped clausterphobic tiny, but cute tiny. And the owners just finished remodeling, so everything, even the siding on the outside, is brand new. It has an air conditioning, also newly installed, a little patio, and a storage shed. It has a cute little yard, that my landlord will take care of, and a tree. I have also inherited a pet. There is a bird nest on the porch, with two little birds. I demanded that the birds stay.

So, that is my excuse for having been absent from the blogging world. I am in the process of moving into my new home. I promise that I still really like everyone, and that I am not ignoring you. You are still my friends. I also promise to post pictures as soon as Mom gets up here with her camera. You will love it!

So, in my absence, just know that I am here, and I am in the process of figuring out how to fit a large apartment into a small house. And, I am loving every minute of it (and purging a lot of stuff).

Monday, July 17, 2006

Happy Birthday Krissy!

As you all know, Missing Marbles, known to me as Krissy, is my big sister. Well, today is big sis's 27th brithday! In honor of this big day when she makes the transition from mid-twenties to late twenties, I decided to do a post and call it:

One Million Reasons Why My Big Sister is the Best Big Sister in the Whole Wide world!

But then it occured to me that there is no way I will be able to type all one million reasons before my turn on the computer is officially over. So, here are the top ten... (for full benefit of these photos, click on them)

#1. She is always watching over me, the great protector. Everyone knows not to mess with "Krissy's little sister or else..."

#2. I always have someone to go to for fashion advice. She is the only person I will ask, because I know she will be honest with me.

#3. She always has me practically rolling on the floor laughing. She is seriously funny! Okay, so it's usually at my expense, but she's still funny.

#4. Growing up, she went out of her way to toughen me up, make sure her little sister wasn't a sissy. Okay, so I kind of am a sissy, so it didn't really work, but she tried really hard. Really hard! How sweet can one sister be?

#5. She is always there to support me in whatever I do. Even if she isn't, you know, thrilled about the activity.

#6. I always have a place to rest my weary head. Even now, I still turn to my sister when I need someone to listen, or just need someone to let me cry and litsten to me sniffle and whine.

#7. She is concerned about my welfare, always making sure I do the right thing. Even as kids, she felt a responsibility for me. Sometimes, though, as little sisters do, I would mess up. When this happened, she always knew who to run to and tattle. But she always did it out of love and concern for me!

#8. Even when it is my sister's turn to shine, she always finds a way to make me feel special and involved. She's never left me out of anything, not even her prom. (Unless she had a friend over, then it was SCRAM!)

#9. Even though she's known as "the tough girl", she has a very sweet and tender heart. She has an amazing capacity for love. (And a soft spot for furby).

#10. My sister is one of the most beautiful people I know. Growing up with her, I always had someone's footsteps to follow and someone to want to be just like.

Growing up, I sometimes took for granted just how lucky I was. Now that I am older I realize how blessed I am to not only live close to my sister, but to be close to her.

Happy birthday, Krissy! It shouldn't take a birthday for me to express my love to you. So just know that 365 days out of the year, you are one of my best friends and favorite people. Thank you for giving me someone to look up to.

I should have titled this post: One Million Reasons I am the Luckiest Little Sister in the Whole Wide World!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Now I've Said My ABCs MeMe

My mom tagged me for this, and I'm going to do something I have never done before. I am going to respond to a tag the same day I got it!

*Accent: Pure Coloradan. Born and raised. Except for the short period of time in Missery, I mean Missouri, but that doesn't count.

* Bible Book That I Like: I am still learning, via my student bible, so I am not familiarized with many. Right now I am studying Luke, and I am enjoying it. I love learning about Jesus' life.

* Chore I Don't Care For: Vacuuming. I am not fond of loud noises. When I was little, I was afraid of the vacuum. Dad still teases me.

* Dog or Cat: Definitely dog. I had cats, and I loved them with all my heart. But, after my recent apartment experience, I do not think I will ever own one again. Besides, Aaron wants a Great Dane so bad, I just can't say no. (or get a cat).

* Essential Electronic: My discman. I know! It is almost obsolete these days, but I love listening to it as I fall asleep.

* Favorite Movie: Annie. Believe it or not, the original with Carol Burnette and Aileene Quinn, not the remade Disney version, which is totally not the same thing.

* Gold or Silver: Diamonds. Wait, that wasn't an option. Okay, silver. I don't own much jewelry, but what I do own is silver. Except my engagement ring. That's white gold (and beautiful).

* Handbag I Carry Most Often: I don't. I don't even own one. I carry the daytimer my dad bought me, which contains everything I need. Except chapstick, but that's what pockets are for.

* Insomnia: Not at all! I usually stay up so late reading that by the time I lay down I fall right to sleep.

* Job Title: Elementary School Teacher. Currently third grade.

* Kids: None. Unless you count 19 eight-year-olds that I will meet in August.

* Living Arrangements: Ha! You added this just to mock me! Currently, my parents' couch. But I promise, I am not a bum! It's just that my apartment is not... ideal. I am in the process of fixing this right now! Really!

* Most Memorable Moment: So far, the day Aaron proposed to me. I am sure my next one will be June 16, 2007.

* Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Sock fits. Really. When I was a kid, I had an issue with the way my socks felt. If they weren't comfortable, I would rip them off and throw them down the hallway in a fit of tears and rage. I have outgrown this. I do sometimes have the urge to do this with my bras, but I have outgrown the sock fits.

* Phobias: Spiders. And bees. And spiders.

* Religion: Christian

* Siblings: An older sister and a brother-in-law. Aaron is an only child, so Andy will be my only in-law sibling.

* Time I Wake Up: Right now, at 7:30, when Krissy, I mean the baby shows up. During the school year 5:01. I have issues that if I set it right on the hour, it won't go off.

* Unusual Talent: The only thing I ever had a talent for was cheerleading, but that is not exactly unusual. Umm... I am not particularly talented at anything. Oh! I can stand on my head for an unreal amount of time!

* Vegetables I Refuse to Eat: None. I am not in love with any, but I don't particularly dislike any either. I do like fruit better, though.

* Worst Habit: Okay, so this was the toughest one for me. In my notebook, I had written hangnails. (I pick at them and my hands look terrible). But, I was afraid to admit to my real worst habit. I am a smoker. I picked it up in high school, and I hate that I do it. I do it in the closet, few people know, because I never want one of my students to find out, but I do it. But! I did set a quit date. Aaron and I set "wedding day goals" and mine was to quit smoking. So, I am on my way. Pray for me!

* X-Rays: My mouth in middle school. This ended in braces. My neck in college when a cheerleading stunt fell on me. This ended in a neck brace. I do not like X-rays. They do not typically end well for me.

* Yummy Stuff I Cook: Kraft Macoroni and Cheese. Okay, so I am not real "up" on the cooking thing. But I still have 340 days until I become a wife, so there is still time to learn! (Mom, can you help me?)

* Zoo Animals I Like Most: Regular zoo: penguins (I collect them). Petting zoo: llamas. (long story).

Okay, did anyone notice that there is not "O" or "Q"? I know my mom didn't, since she eluded to 26 categories, but anyway...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

There's No Place Like Home

So I was thinking the other day, "I am not nearly stressed out enough." I mean, all I have to do is plan a wedding, figure out how to budget said wedding and still have somewhat of a life, keep up with summer projects I have been assigned by my school, and somehow get to Montrose and get a classroom going again. I mean, really, nothing. So I thought to myself, "What can I do to liven things up a bit?" And then it came to me. "I know! I'll move into a new apartment!"

So, on June 30, I made the 90 minute trip to Montrose and informed my property management company that I would be out by the end of July. Sounds like a rash decision, right? Allow me to take you back in time about a year...

About a year ago, I moved in with a friend. I had just finished the teaching program and was working as a summer nanny for a family that didn't pay much. I was also working part-time for a golf course. After a year long full-time teaching internship with no pay, I was broke. My friend offered me a room in her condo to help me out. She was wonderful - a good friend and sister in Christ. But I longed to have my own place. I wanted my dishes and furniture and "stuff" out of storage.

A few months later I got a teaching job 61 miles away. After nine weeks of driving three hours a day, a friend of mine from the teaching program (who got a job at the same school) offered me her spare bedroom. Within a week the move was done. She, too, was a great roomy. We had a lot of fun together and became great friends. Despite the fact that splitting bills and rent made life easier, and we had a blast, I still really wanted a place to call my own.

In March, everything started falling into place for me. I got an apartment right by the school, and was able to move in on April 1st. April Fool's Day was an appropriate date for this move!

The day I moved in, Mom, Dad, Aaron and I walked in to a peculiar smell. Upon walking around, we quickly realized that the place had not been shampooed (or cleaned at all for that matter). We figured the smell, whatever it was, would go away whenever they got around to their responsibility of having the place cleaned. We went ahead and started moving in the boxes we had brought with us. Right after we finished unloading two trucks and a jeep, a guy from the property management company showed up (a day late) and offered to shampoo around my stuff. As soon as the carpet got wet, we realized what the smell was... cat pee. Everywhere. The living room, the upstairs bedroom, all the closets. Which is funny, really, because this is a place that does not allow pets. We immediately reported it to the company. They responded by spraying deoderizer on the spot in the living room. Instead of spending my first night in my new apartment, I drove back to my parents' house to sleep a few more nights on the couch, because it simply was not livable. This was only the beginning...

Other than the fact that my mom spent the day cleaning bugs out of all the light fixtures and replacing every lightbulb in the apartment, while I peeled chewed up gum out of 13 places, the smell was by far the biggest issue. The company told me they would not fix anything until I turned in my move-in checklist. I filled it out in detail and turned it in the next day. I also mentioned that none of the four blinds worked, and that there wasn't a single screen on the windows. I also made sure they knew that all the towel racks were being held up by rubber bands. They assured me that they would fix everything.

What was the result of this check-list? Another layer of febreeze on the carpet (which really made it worse since it got it wet again) and my dad spending a small fortune at Ace Hardware and making another trip out to fix everything for me. To this day, I still have one set of working blinds, because they decided to fix 1/4 of the broken ones. At this point I was getting mildly irritated.

Over the next two months I put in six complaints about the horrid smell. The result? Six coats of deoderizer on the carpet. This gave me about 18 days total of relief from the smell. At one point, they told me that if I moved everything out of the room, they would fix the smell. So I did. I spent an entire evening (on a school night) transplanting my living room into my kitchen. The next day I came home to an incident report letting me know they had sprayed deoderizer. Yay!

Over the last three months, I have spent more nights on my parents' couch than I have in my own apartment, and I haven't spent a single night there since the last day of school in May. I have gone back a few times to water plants and work on classroom stuff. Each time, the smell is worse. There is not a single cooling thing in the apartment (no a/c, swamp cooler, fans, nada). Do you have any idea what cat pee smells like at 110 degrees?

To make a short story long, I will be out by July 31st, and this really was not a rash decision. The decision to move in was. I should not have been so desperate to have my own place. So, even though it will be a lot of work, and I am (mildly) stressed out about it, I still look forward to having a "home sweet home" I can breathe in. Please pray for me as I begin yet another quest for a decent shelter. (And forgive me the tangent I just went on).

Anyone have any ruby slippers I can click together?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thursday Thirteen #4

Thirteen things I would do if money were no object...

* I would bet married on the Disney Cruise. Or at least honeymoon there.

* I would buy a home. I am just about completely over renting. (Stay tuned for future post)

* I would hire a personal hairdresser. I cannot stand getting myself ready. I like being ready, but getting myself there daily just about kills me. I have to start about three hours ahead of time and take many breaks during the process.

* I would buy a Toyota Rav4. I love my little jeep, but these things are so cute! I would buy a pink one.

* I would buy Aaron a boat. When they sold theirs, it broke his heart. (Even though his truck won't pull it, so he's used it once in the last three years).

* I would buy Aaron a new truck to pull the boat. Then I would buy Krissy and Andy another truck identical to the one they just bought, so they would quit squabbling over who's day it is to drive it.

* I'd buy a personal jet. It would make these trips back and forth from Montrose to Grand Junction a lot easier. Seriously, I am making the drive today to get my roller blades. It would be cheaper, and quicker, to just go buy a new pair.

* I would buy my parents a motorhome. Actually, due to issues of grinding teeth and snoring, I would buy them two motorhomes. His and Hers with matching towels.

* I would buy Aaron a Great Dane. He wants one so bad. We have decided to get one when we are married and have a proper home, but think of all the quality time they are missing out on between now and then.

* I would buy a golf course for my dad. Then neither time or money would ever get in the way of his addiction. After that, I would buy one for my Grandpa so he would quit hogging my dad's.

* I would pay air fare and hotel acommodations for every out-of-town guest on my wedding guest list.

* I would buy two more computers so that my dad and I could blog every now and then, too.

* I would buy a llama.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Site to See

We Did It!!!

Aaron and I have officially had our first meeting regarding the site of our ceremony and reception. I am pretty sure it will be the last place we visit, because we both fell in love! Enterprise Community Hall is an old school house that has been remodeled to host many affairs, but is known for its weddings. We both feel it is appropriate for a teacher to get married in a school house. They even have an old-fashioned school desk that many couples have used as their guest book table. How cute is that?

The whole inside has beautiful hardwood floors. There is plenty of room for a head table, buffet, cake table, and a number of guest tables. Off to the left is a full kitchen, perfect for any caterer, and upstairs is a bridal suite perfect for us gals to get ready in. I have seen photos of weddings held here in the past, and the decorating these people do is absolutely beautiful! The even have all needed resources to "deck the hall" in splashes of pink! (Not to mention a PINK front door!)

For occasions involving larger guest counts (like, say, a wedding), they have a beautiful and spatious outdoor area. It is complete with a flowing fountain, large rosebushes, twinkly lights, an abundance of trees, a dance floor, and an adorable patio. And, perfect for our male guests, a horseshoe pit. Perfect for our tiny guests, a full playground area. It seems there is nothing they have left out.

Aaron and I both have our hearts set on an outdoor ceremony. This is me standing on what would be (will be, I hope) the aisle. I am a little nervous about maneuvering this in heels, seeming as I cannot walk in them on flat ground. I have been looking for an excuse to wear sneakers like the ones Annie Banks wears in Father of the Bride. Do you think stepping stones is a good enough reason?

So there you have it - our first big step to making our dream wedding happen. Now we can just sit back and relax. I mean, really, there's not a whole lot left to do, is there? Just the wedding gown, cake, flowers, catering, bridesmaid dresses, tuxes, flower girl and ring bearer details, invitations, preacher, out-of-town guest acommodations, save-the-date cards, rehearsal dinner, party favors, decorations...

Seriously, I don't know what everyone is making such a fuss about. We're almost done already, and we still have 11 months!

Well, 346 days anyway...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Birthday Grandma

Born on the Fourth of July! She's a Yankee Doodle sweetheart! She's a Yankee Doodle Gal!

Many of you have become acquainted with my Grandma. In Bloggersville she is known as Judith and can be found at Flight Song. To me she is, and always has been, Grandma Judy. Many, many people have been touched and entertained by her beautiful writing and heartwarming stories. I was lucky enough to grow up with her. Anyone who does not know this women is truly missing out!

This is me the day I met my Grandma - the same day I met the world. At the time, I had no idea who she was. I was unaware of the relationship she had to me. At the time of this picture, I had no idea how much of a role she would play in my life. This was the beginning of the best kind of friendship - the Grandma kind!

When I was real little, I didn't live close to my grandma. Many of these years we spent separated by cities. Other times, it was by states. But I always knew her. I remember talking to her on the phone on holidays. There were always presents from Grandma under the Christmas tree or on the birthday table, even if she couldn't be there in person. There was nothing better than her visits. I remember how the school day seemed like it would never end on the days that Grandma was arriving. After school, I would run the whole way home to see her.

These pictures were taken on one of those visits - one of the best ones. Grandma came to visit and went with us to the Denver Zoo! (The cutie brunette in puple is Krissy, aka Missing Marbles). She was always a fun grandma - chasing after ducks with us and sharing our ice cream. There always was (and is) a part of my Grandma's heart that remained a child. That's the best kind of Grandma to have!

When I got a little older, Grandma moved into a cute little house right down the street from us. During the summer months, I spent nearly every day there. I would get up, get dressed, and tell Mom, "I'm going to go play with Grandma." And boy did we play! We did puzzles and played board games and watched movies (our favorite was Pinnochio). Once we even baked a cake together. What a disaster! Not only did we get more ingredients all over the kitchen than in the mixing bowl, but the cake was a wreck! We accidentally put the thicker icing between the layers and the thinner icing on the outside of the cake. The top layer kept sliding off! Finally we got the thing to stay together, but to this day the whole family still teases us about our "Leaning Tower of Piza" cake! Needless to say, I will not be asking my Grandma to bake our wedding cake.

It wasn't always about playing, though, especially as I got older. My Grandma was a great teacher. She influenced me in my love of reading. She was always reading to and with me. Even now she is always handing me books to read, asking me to overlook her highlighting and margin notes. My Grandma was also my main influence in writing. She was always writing stories for my sister and me. She used to record them onto audio tapes and then send them to us. We would listen to them over and over again! At one point she gave me an old typewriter and taught me how to type - long before the schools were teaching keyboarding. I still have a love for both reading a writing today, and still vow to dedicate my first published work to her (a promise I made at age 7).

As I continued to grow up, our relationship changed, but never lessened. We remain close, and now we play "big girl" games. Grandma bought me my first prom dress. She was there when I graduated from high school. This is her and I on my 21st birthday - she came all the way to Grand Junction to have a margarita with me! She was there at my college graduation. She will be there when I become married. I hope to someday have a picture of her holding my newborn child.

Now Grandma is finally in Grand Junction. She is finally home. We get to "play" again, and for the first time in years, I get to be with her on her birthday. Life could not be better!

Those of you who do not yet know my Grandma, go to Flight Song (in my sidebar) and prepare to be amazed. Those of you who have met her, you are very lucky. Those of us who are blessed enough to call her Grandma - we are the luckiest of all!

Happy Birthday, Grandma Judy. I love you!

Monday, July 03, 2006

7 Things About Me...MeMe

Okay, my mom tagged me with this forever ago. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not good at the juggling act, and as I do have a few balls in the air right now, it took me a while to get to it. But here goes...

7 Random Facts About Me

*I am obsessed with Disney. Seriously obsessed. I own almost every Disney movie ever made - even the made for TV ones. I still watch the Disney Channel at 25. The best vacation I ever took was when I went to Disney World at age 17. I will never grow out of it.

*For most of my life my passion was cheerleading. I started at age 9 with midget football, and continued until age 20 at Mesa State College. Then I went on to coaching. I guess once a cheerleader, always a cheerleader.

*I still sleep with a stuffed animal. I always said I would give it up when I got married. And I will. Until then, he makes a great pillow!

*I inherited the anti-driving gene from my mom. I was 17 before I got my license, and even then I still walked to school.

*Despite my aversion to insects, I love rodents. I have had every gross pet imaginable. I have had frogs, lizards, rats and mice. I love them!

*I still have my bottom retainer from when I got my braces off in the tenth grade. I don't need it anymore, I don't think my teeth are going anywhere. They just haven't taken it out yet.

*If I don't get a cup of coffee and one chapter of my book before starting my day, I cannot even remotely function.

7 Things That Scare Me

* Spiders. But you all already knew that, right?

*Bees. They're not as bad as spiders, but just hearing one buzzing around me is enough to turn me into a screaming break-dancing idiot.

*Tornados. When I was a teenager, I would not stay home alone in the summer, because I was afraid the sirens would go off.

*Lightening. It is beautiful if watched from inside a shelter, but if I am outside, I flip out.

*Scary mean women who drive black SUVs.

*Wild animals. Aaron is begging me to go camping with him this summer, but I have nightmares about being ripped from my sleeping bag by a mountain lion or a bear.

*Child birth. I do plan to go through it some day, but it still scares me.

7 Random/Music At the Moment

*"When God Ran" by Philips, Craig & Dean.

*"Where Did I Go Right" by Hilary Duff.

*"You've Got the Touch" by Alabama.

*Okay, so I can't think of 7 right now. Pretty much anything by Hilary Duff, and anything on KLOVE, my favorite Christian radio station.

7 Things I like the Most

*My engagement ring (and the fiance that comes with it)

*Pink (my signature color)

*Penguins (I collect them)


*Coffee (I get teased for drinking it all day, especially by my students, who always give me mugs.)

*Entire seasons of tv shows on DVD

*Puzzles - word puzzles, and the kind with lots of pieces.

7 Things I Say the Most

*In a moment...


*You Know?


*Right on! ( or in the classroom- write on!)

*You rock!

*Yea buddy!

7 People To Do This

Okay, so I am not going to tag anyone for this. First off, my mom tagged me almost a week ago, so I am already a little slow on the uptake. Secondly, my mom pretty much covered everyone with her seven. Third, if she didn't tag someone, it's because they either tagged her or already got tagged by someone else.

So, I hope you enjoyed random me. It wasn't as easy as I had thought it would be, but I gave it my best effort!