My mom tagged me for this, and I'm going to do something I have never done before. I am going to respond to a tag the same day I got it!
Accent: Pure Coloradan. Born and raised. Except for the short period of time in Missery, I mean Missouri, but that doesn't count.
Bible Book That I Like: I am still learning, via my student bible, so I am not familiarized with many. Right now I am studying Luke, and I am enjoying it. I love learning about Jesus' life.
Chore I Don't Care For: Vacuuming. I am not fond of loud noises. When I was little, I was afraid of the vacuum. Dad still teases me.
Dog or Cat: Definitely dog. I had cats, and I loved them with all my heart. But, after my recent apartment experience, I do not think I will ever own one again. Besides, Aaron wants a Great Dane so bad, I just can't say no. (or get a cat).
Essential Electronic: My discman. I know! It is almost obsolete these days, but I love listening to it as I fall asleep.
Favorite Movie: Annie. Believe it or not, the original with Carol Burnette and Aileene Quinn, not the remade Disney version, which is totally not the same thing.
Gold or Silver: Diamonds. Wait, that wasn't an option. Okay, silver. I don't own much jewelry, but what I do own is silver. Except my engagement ring. That's white gold (and beautiful).
Handbag I Carry Most Often: I don't. I don't even own one. I carry the daytimer my dad bought me, which contains everything I need. Except chapstick, but that's what pockets are for.
Insomnia: Not at all! I usually stay up so late reading that by the time I lay down I fall right to sleep.
Job Title: Elementary School Teacher. Currently third grade.
Kids: None. Unless you count 19 eight-year-olds that I will meet in August.
Living Arrangements: Ha! You added this just to mock me! Currently, my parents' couch. But I promise, I am not a bum! It's just that my apartment is not... ideal. I am in the process of fixing this right now! Really!
Most Memorable Moment: So far, the day Aaron proposed to me. I am sure my next one will be June 16, 2007.
Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Sock fits. Really. When I was a kid, I had an issue with the way my socks felt. If they weren't comfortable, I would rip them off and throw them down the hallway in a fit of tears and rage. I have outgrown this. I do sometimes have the urge to do this with my bras, but I have outgrown the sock fits.
Phobias: Spiders. And bees. And spiders.
Religion: Christian
Siblings: An older sister and a brother-in-law. Aaron is an only child, so Andy will be my only in-law sibling.
Time I Wake Up: Right now, at 7:30, when Krissy, I mean the baby shows up. During the school year 5:01. I have issues that if I set it right on the hour, it won't go off.
Unusual Talent: The only thing I ever had a talent for was cheerleading, but that is not exactly unusual. Umm... I am not particularly talented at anything. Oh! I can stand on my head for an unreal amount of time!
Vegetables I Refuse to Eat: None. I am not in love with any, but I don't particularly dislike any either. I do like fruit better, though.
Worst Habit: Okay, so this was the toughest one for me. In my notebook, I had written hangnails. (I pick at them and my hands look terrible). But, I was afraid to admit to my real worst habit. I am a smoker. I picked it up in high school, and I hate that I do it. I do it in the closet, few people know, because I never want one of my students to find out, but I do it. But! I did set a quit date. Aaron and I set "wedding day goals" and mine was to quit smoking. So, I am on my way. Pray for me!
X-Rays: My mouth in middle school. This ended in braces. My neck in college when a cheerleading stunt fell on me. This ended in a neck brace. I do not like X-rays. They do not typically end well for me.
Yummy Stuff I Cook: Kraft Macoroni and Cheese. Okay, so I am not real "up" on the cooking thing. But I still have 340 days until I become a wife, so there is still time to learn! (Mom, can you help me?)
Zoo Animals I Like Most: Regular zoo: penguins (I collect them). Petting zoo: llamas. (long story).
Okay, did anyone notice that there is not "O" or "Q"? I know my mom didn't, since she eluded to 26 categories, but anyway...